7 Summer STEM Activities

Summer is here!! I wait so anxiously for summer to arrive all winter. We love summer!! The warm days and nights, camping, vacations, swimming and all the other wonderful summertime experiences. It is my favorite season! We have put together this list of 7 summer STEM activities to help keep your kids learning and having fun this summer!
In our home we try to keep learning all summer so our kids don’t experience “summer slide” (where kids move backwards educationally over the summer.) Use these 7 summer STEM activities as a jumping off point for some fun activities to keep your kids learning and entertained over the summer.
1-Sun Prints- Simple and Fun Sun
This activity requires minimal set up or prep. My favorite kind of summer activity. Use pennies and the sun to create some fun artwork!

2-Bubble Prints
Bubbles and summer fit together so perfectly. Check out this fun activity to paint with bubbles!

3- Pop Rock Explosion
My kids love pop rocks!! Check out this fun chemical reaction lesson and learn about changes in states of matter. This experiment was so much fun!
4. Hatching Dino Eggs
My boys love bath bombs with hidden objects. When I saw this activity I knew we had to try it! This is a fun chemical reaction that reveals a hidden object. You can use dinosaurs or any other object your kids love.

5. Galaxy Oobleck
We love Oobleck…well the kids love oobleck and I talk myself into being okay with the mess once in a while. Summer is a great time for oobleck projects because you can take the mess outside! This is a fun variation that makes a mix of colors that looks like the galaxy.

6. Marshmallow Shooter
Use a little bit of engineering and creativity to make this marshmallow shooter. Then have a war in the back yard. This is one of our favorite summer activities.

7. Color Explosions
Warning! This activity will create a mess, but is so much fun! You will want to do this outside. We loved creating bursts of color and watching the chemical reaction take place.
We hope you have enjoyed these summer STEM activities! Be sure to check out our other fun STEM lessons and activities.

Check out this link to our popsicle stick catapult. A great learning activity for a hot summer day.